Am I Selfish?

I started writing this, after reading someone’s facebook status today. A part of it said, “Never believe in 3 people, SAGITTARIUS, ARIES, and PISCES. They are the most selfish and mean.”  And I am Sagittarius, so it just got me thinking.
 Am I mean? Well, I have been called that before, so maybe I am, but as I know myself, yes I am rude, but mean, I don’t know, but, I don’t mind being called mean.

Secondly, am I selfish? The answer is very very obvious. I was, I am and I will be, and I have never denied it. I don’t believe in sacrifices. I do things to make me happy. My happiness comes first and foremost for me.  I know how that sounds, but I am not ashamed of being selfish. 

I have never done anything in my life for other people and I will never do. All my actions are focused on making me happy, making me feel good.
 And I hate when someone comes up with a statement, “I sacrificed this and that for you.”  I am like, “come on dude, you did it because you wanted to do it, it made you feel good, to be able to make that person happy, so you did it. Don’t call it sacrifice!”
If someone else calls your actions’ sacrifice, its valid, but people calling their own action sacrifice?! It was a selfish act; you did it because it made you feel good to make them feel good. You did it because it made YOU feel good.
I am even willing to go ahead and make the bold statement to call Buddha selfish. It pained him to see people around him suffering, and it made him feel good to see them being liberated from this suffering. At the end of the day, think carefully, all of us are selfish; we do things because we want to do them, we want to do something for other people as it makes us feel good. It is, at the end, a selfish act.

Agreed? Disagreed?


  1. Hey Nanu, I totally agree with you... lately u know so many happened in my life and i was blaming someone else for it.. saying I did this for u and I did that for you.. well actually after reading this piece, I figured it out that I did it myself inorder to make someone else happy.. all this time I was pretending to be someone else who i am not.. Well, It hurts me but I guess knowing where I stand is much better than doing all kinds of white lies..
    Hey nanu.... will u kindly do some writings on being strong and courageous.
    Thank u for letting me read.. You're best my dear dear nanu.. Love to you!


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