
Showing posts from January, 2013

Different Worlds

It’s not like I have not thought about this and realized about our different worlds before, but it had never struck me this overwhelmingly. whenever I felt like my life is difficult (which I know in my depths that it ain't in the slightest bit) I usually think about other people who have bigger problems than me. People closest to us strike us the first, I think about my parents, who are living apart,  and not because they  want to and their loneliness and pain. They don’t have a fountain of youth, they are aging everyday, and this is the time they need each other the most and that’s one thing they don’t have, each other’s company. Still, they are okay, they are all right (for now), and I still get very worried about them, I wonder  their anxiety about their parents, who are rapidly moving towards the end. No, I definitely ain't one with the biggest problems. And then, today, just sitting on my table and staring at my notes, I suddenly got this overwhelming feeling of how w

Essence of Examination

What had exams meant to us till date? Cramping information in our head on the night before the exam and vomiting out on the paper next morning. Well, that's how atleast I did all my exams and am sure 99% of people will join me in this statement. And what was the main purpose of the exam? Passing, simply passing. It didn't measure your level of knowledge or understanding, marks only graded our ability to memorize and vomit adequately. And all was forgotten once the exam was done with. But since I have started my clinical work on my way to become a doctor (may be not even a good one), I have realised the true essence of failing. Last two exams I sat, called OSCEs (student's objective clinical examination), I performed pretty badly. And the truth is I was not upset because I messed it up, I have been upset because it didn't upset me. Today, after the second exam that I messed up, I have realized why. May be all other profession allows one to eat and vomit and forget,