
Showing posts from May, 2021


Looking through this huge number of photos I had my mum take of me today, after giving her 100's of instructions. All that effort and I still don't look so good! This kind of got me thinking... The problem is not with the photograph as much as it is with how I view myself. I am not satisfied with who I am, physically, emotionally and intellectually. And I think that emotion becomes most manifest when I see myself in a photograph, and so I feel like I never take a single good photo. Do I hate myself? No. I love me, I take care of myself and I will not let anyone walk all over me. But do I like me? No, definitely not. And so why would anyone else like me?! In all my social interactions my first and foremost thought is "they don't like me" and I always feel rejected or stay in a fear of anticipated rejection. It is emotionally and physically exhausting to be on your guard at all times. The older I have gotten, the more significant the fear has become, proba