
Showing posts from December, 2013

How normal is your normal looking neighbourhood?

Walking by my neighbourhood today, I heard a high pitched scream, probably from a little girl. I was appalled, not by the scream, but my reaction to it. I coolly walked by the house, not a second thought to what I heard, not even a second glance to the probable place it came from, no anxiety;  it was as if I never heard the scream. I have seen the children of the house. I have seen them playing outside. They shout, they scream, they are normal kids.  So, I think, my first instinct was that it was just the kids playing around. And I think, until I realized how I reacted to “a scream”, it was the only instinct I had. But can I be certain that the scream I heard was not indicative of child or sexual abuse? Or am I just watching too many movies, and reading too many articles of abuse? If it was a scream arising from abuse, I just turned a deaf ear to it.  … I don’t know and am not sure if anybody or everybody reacts the way I did. But today it got me thinking, how normal is a