My Mouth...

There is one thing about me that I really disapprove of and have spent ages trying to change.

I am one of the world’s biggest blabber mouth, an expert in saying all the wrong things at the right moment and right things at the wrong, a boring, without wit or humour conversationalist who bores her audience to death. But that is not the worst part; I give away half the history of my life and lineage in a mere half an hour. Bear another 30 minutes and you will know the full story.

I have an opinion for everything. That would have been fine if it didn’t combine with the capability of my mouth. However, having a blank canvas is sometimes important (putting a curtain over the portrait might help too).

I do not hesitate to give out my opinion. I do not hesitate to speak my mind. I am the fighter for the freedom of speech, which is not a bad thing actually. But sometimes a fool like me can suffer and inflict great damage with this freedom.

I have my friends to learn from. And I often wonder why can’t I hold my tongue like them, be able to put a curtain on my canvas too, and save my story for a book….

Over the years I have made several attempts to change, but all in vain. I have tried accepting “this is who I am” too, that too in vain.

And with such a big mouth, sharing emotions, incidents and stories often becomes a one way traffic for me. And though I have very keen ears to listen and quite a good ability to keep secrets secret, my virtues have been totally disregarded in the face of the flaw.
(You wouldn’t trust a blabber mouth would you??? I only can’t keep my secrets…that’s the real flaw, ain't it?)

However who am I to complain eh? I am the one who’s flawed.

Pray for me, may I be able to sell through my mouth, let my mouth not sell me out. Amen.


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