Why I am not humble....

while walking home today, i was looking at the clouds and a thought struck, not a new one but something that nags me all the time.
i don't know how exactly to put this thought in words.
have you ever thought about if you didn't exist? would the world be any different?
walking on this road called life did you leave any footprints behind?

we tend to think ourself important, but are we? i know one thing for sure, if it wasn't me, it could have been someone else. i am nothing special.

what have i? what have i achieved? what can i call rightfully mine? what have i made of this existence? the answer, NOTHING.
but what nags me is not the fact that i have done nothing with my life, but this ego that i carry inside. i wonder sometimes why? what right have i to hold my head high, to speak among others like an equal, when i know how small i am inside.

i found my answer in a empty tin can lying on the ground. i am like the empty tin can, nothing inside. but if i leave it vacuum, go humble, the air pressure outside will crush me, and so to exist i need to fill myself with something, and that's where this undeserved pride and ego comes.
a person who has accomplished a lot in life, who has made a difference can be humble, because he is like a full tin can, the air pressure outside won't crush him, like it will crush me. so if i am to survive, i can't be humble until i have achieved something, made something out of me.


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