"It's crowded in here."

A: "It's crowded in here."
B: "You are one to complain since you are a part of it."
A: "But am important! "
B: "So am I."
noises from the background: "Me too" "Me too" "Me too"
B: "See"
A: "But that's not how it works."
B: "I agree. But that's how it is."
A: "Hmmm. It would be less crowded if we could organise ourselves."
B: "How do you propose we do that? "
A: "By ranking our importance from most to least and falling into a cue."
B: "But we are all equally Important."
Noises from the background: "We are" "We are" "We are"
A: "But I am telling you, that cannot be!"
B: "And am telling you, that's how it is."
A begins to think.
B: "Stop! Don't..."
*Pop* A new thought (C) appears.
B to A: "I told you not to think, see what you have done."
C: "It's crowded in here."
A and B give C a skeptical look.
C: "What? I am the most important thought of all."



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