To Women: WHO is our Enemy?

As a woman, who do you think is your enemy? Who do you think is your oppressor? Who do you think binds you from reaching your utmost potentials?

Look closely, it’s not the men, it’s not the society either. Guess who then? It’s us. We women are our own enemy.
We are the quickest to judge, judge our own kind. We judge a woman far more than we judge a man. From what she wears to how she talks, to who she talks etc etc., we always have something to say, an opinion to give on what kind of a girl she is. (Not what kind of a person, what kind of a “girl”.)

I will try to make my point with different scenarios. I have not experienced firsthand any of it, so I might be incorrect in some things, or even everything I say, and I would be glad to be corrected.

Let’s take a married couple.
Situation A: the husband is having an extra-marital affair with another woman. The wife may have an outburst of anger directed towards the husband, but she will blame the woman. She will blame her for wooing him and ‘trapping him’. (If the husband didn't want to be wooed, would she be able to? What if it was him who wooed her?? It doesn't matter, does it? Blame the woman.)
Situation B: the wife is having an extra-marital affair with another man. The husband may go and charge this other man and have a violent conversation, exchange a few punches and vile words but (guess what) he will blame his wife. (She is the one at fault; the man was only involved via her).

The woman always gets blamed. And who blames them? It’s We… the Women!
Walking down the street, you see a girl walking in a short skirt (mini/micro-mini skirt). If it’s a guy, he’s too busy staring at her lustily. If it’s a woman, you are judging her already.  “Oh! Look at her, showing everything. What kind of parenting has she had?” “Oh! The slut!” “Girls these days have no shame!”
“my god! Am glad my daughter doesn't dress up like that. I would just slap her if she does.”
 (My readers are all probably young but… may be one day when the situation presents you will remember these words).
It’s not the men who judge… It’s Us, Women!
It is said that we women are genetically emotional, more so than our male counterpart (of course exceptions are always there), and thus our judgment is impaired, is clouded, and influenced by the things we feel, by the ones we love. Okay, agreed.
There’s a female who is a leader, and she has a family. She is very dedicated to her work, and is a very good leader. Then a situation arises where she compromises her children’s well-being for what she believes is the greater good, the good of the people she is leading. Her decision was not clouded by her emotions or her motherly affections.
 You see a man doing that, you will have great respect for him, and say “now there’s a great leader”. When a woman does it, people usually respond on the negative, “Look at her! She even compromised her children to keep her position. What sort of a mother does that?  She is not even a good mother, how will she be a good leader?”

Time to look back, time to look close; it’s time to recognize your enemy. Is it yourself? Are you your own enemy women?

(The opinions that I have expressed above are not that of everyone, it is what I have seen and heard happen, and is what I believe, to be the opinion of the majority. The scenarios I have presented can have a variable background story; opinion may vary with it, but please assume you don’t know it and your opinions are ignorant of the true story. )


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