Inspired me.

I have always aspired to be Einstein some day. And for the major part of the life that I have lived, I have thought it possible. As we grow up, the harsh realities have to be borne, and it’s difficult having your fantasy broken.

I have come to know this for a long time now, but I have hated to admit it. And maybe it has become the cause of my misery. Expecting too much where expectations can’t be met, disappointment overwhelming, questioning oneself on unjustified grounds, I had to at some point bow down to fantasy and greet reality.

The reality being this: “I am no Einstein, nor can I be him in this life. I am not a genius, am just a regular person. Maybe I don’t have the potential to be someone great, maybe I am simply meant to be a nobody. I am a nobody today and so I will be tomorrow until death.”

But that doesn’t necessarily make me a loser, right? I have on several occasions asked god why has he made me the way I am, without talents and lazy and clumsy. The more I complain the more it sounds like blasphemy. He has made me perfect; I am a healthy person with no birth defects or acquired disease so far. Now, I may not be a beauty queen, true, but I am not exactly ugly either, I may not be Einstein, but neither am I stupid. I may not be exceptionally talented, but nor am I without talents. Being it a childhood aspiration, it’s difficult to accept I am going to be just a nobody in life, but come to think of it, hey, what’s the harm in it, right?? May be it’s a poor consolation but, not everyone can be king, he needs subjects to rule over to acquire that title. Not all of us can be geniuses; there need to be people to appreciate a genius as and when he exists.

It’s a poor use of life; a life that we get only once, if we keep heading a direction that we know will only lead us to disappointment.  Slowly, I have learned to love the skin I am in, I am glad of who I am. I am not the best in anything, but I am perfect in the way I am.

Even if I can do nothing else in life or with my life, I want to live it happily. And when the years of living approaches death, I think that’s what matters most. I may not get to say, “I have become someone great” but I will indeed want to say “I have been someone happy” and that is something I know I can achieve.

It’s futile to want to be someone u cannot and you are not, it’s important to accept and joy in who you are. As Bon Jovi’s song goes, “Remember that you are perfect, god makes no mistakes”.

Don’t worry, Be happy.


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