My Man.

Thinking well, I guess I never looked for beauty in my man. The only physical attribute that matters is his height. (I am vain that way).
I have always looked up to a guy who didn't sit and whine, but grabbed at his life. Who didn't hesitate to do something about things that were wrong, who took charge, took control, who didn't let the obstacles in life put him down.
And at the same time, who was sensitive and caring and wasn't ashamed of his mild nature. And yet who had pride and an anger to behold it. One who didn't hesitate to get on his knees when need be, but didn't do so all the time, who could be argued with, reasoned with and yet be called stubborn. 

Just like Dad. But Mom's lucky....Dad's good looking too. ;-)

The important thing is not for him to love me like crazy (or something like that) but to understand me, accept me for who I am and never want to change me. 
That is my man. 
Have I found him???


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